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  • Contact | Ryan Plumb Therapy

    Get In Touch Send me a message and I will get back to you within 36 hours. Email Phone Subject Your message Send Message has been sent! P: (415) PSYCH-96 E: (415) 779-2496 Two Locations: Family Matters of Marin 1346 4th Street, Suite 207 San Rafael, CA 94901 1330 Lincoln Avenue Suite 310 San Rafael, CA 94901-2143

  • Ryan Plumb Therapy Clinical Approach

    Therapeutic Philosophy There has never been a person exactly like you, and there never will be again. I do not want to offer an off-the-shelf approach hoping it will be the one that works for you. Instead, I tailor your healing experience to fit with who you are. I have expertise in many different models and methods of treatment. My unique ability as a practitioner is my adaptability and being able to curate a bespoke approach from a variety of proven methods so that you can get support that fits your unique needs. There are many different theories and styles of therapy. By taking the time to get to know your unique experience I can begin to craft an approach that will align with who you are as an individual. Typically, therapists focus on specific therapeutic models and develop skills that work well for the people who these models work well for. When there is a match with a client and therapist it can be transformative, but when there is a mismatch clients may get discouraged trying different therapists or treatments and feeling like none are a good fit for them. Not all keys work in all locks. ​ Because I tailor treatment to best suit your needs framed from your unique subjective experience I can leverage an eclectic theoretical pool of knowledge, strategies, and interventions. We will collaboratively cultivate an approach that may consist of treatment models CBT, psychodynamic, ACT, narrative, art, play, IFS, and mindfulness techniques.

  • Famous People With Mental-Health Disorders | Ryan Plumb Therapy

    ​ Famous People Who Achieved Great Things With Mental Health Disorders Dealing with mental-health disorders can be overwhelming. It might feel sometimes like things are so much easier for everyone else. It is not always easy to see when someone is struggling with a mental-health disorder from the outside, so it may surprise you to know that there are lots of successful and famous people who succeed while having mental challenges just like you. It can be helpful to know that even though it may be hard, mental-health disorders do not have to stop you from achieving your dreams. Jim Carrey has ADHD and persevered with depression to be in the top 50 highest grossing actors of all time : Michael Phelps was nine years old when he was diagnosed with ADHD, and he would go on to win 28 Olympic medals (23 of them gold). Hear his message to his younger self: “I had a teacher tell me that I would never amount to anything and I would never be successful. So it was a challenge and it was a struggle, but for me it was something I’m thankful happened. And I’m thankful that I am how I am. I look at myself every day and I’m so proud and so happy of who I am and who I’ve been able to become.” Simone Biles 32-time Olympic medal and World Championship winner shared: "Having ADHD, and taking medicine for it is nothing to be ashamed of." Emma Watson was being treated for ADHD when she was portraying Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films: Adam Levine is a multi-platinum artist that has won three Grammys with Maroon 5. He shared: “ADHD isn’t a bad thing, and you shouldn’t feel different from those without ADHD. Remember that you are not alone. There are others going through the same thing.” Michelle Rodriguez talks about body doubling "I want to write and direct but it’s not easy with ADHD. I have a hard time focusing when I’m alone." ​ Justin Timberlake is worth a quarter of a billion dollars from selling millions of records, and he has OCD and ADHD: ​ Bram Cohen is a Creator of BitTorrent with ASD Cara Delevingne is a Model and Actor with ADHD Channing Tatum is an Actor with ADHD Christopher Knight is an Actor with ADHD Daniel Radcliffe is an Actor with Dyspraxia Dave Grohl is a Musical Artist with ADHD David Neeleman is a Founder of JetBlue with ADHD Erin O'Connor is a Model with ADHD Georgia Harrison is a Reality TV personality with ADHD Greta Gerwig is a Director with ADHD Howie Mandel is a Television host with OCD and ADHD Karina Smirnoff is a Dancer with ADHD Keris Myrick is a CEO with Schizoaffective disorder Lily Allen is a Musical Artist with ADHD Mel B is a Musical Artist with ADHD Nelly Furtado is a Musical Artist with ADHD Nicola Adams is an Olympic gold medalist with ADHD Olivia Attwood is a Reality TV personality with ADHD Paris Hilton is a Socialite and businesswoman with ADHD Paul Orfalea is a Founder of Kinkos with ADHD Peter Kight is a CEO of Checkfree with ADHD Robbie Williams is a Musical Artist with ADHD Robin Williams is an Actor with Depression Sam Thompson is a Reality TV star and radio host with ADHD Solange Knowles is a Musical Artist and Actor with ADHD SZA is a Musical Artist with ADHD Tanya Bardsley is a Reality TV personality with ADHD Ty Pennington is a Television host and artist with ADHD Victoria Pedretti is an Actor with ADHD Vince Vaughn is an Actor with ADHD Zooey Deschanel is an Actor with ADHD

  • ADHD ADD Information and Resources Ryan Plumb Therapy

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Tips Tricks and Resources Here are some tools that might help some people with ADHD. I say some because some ADHD tools and tips work great for one person and not at all for another. The problem with ADHD resources is a person might try a few, discover they don't work for them and determine that all ADHD tools don't help. There is a saying, if you've met one person with ADHD, you've met one person with ADHD. Because it presents differently in everyone, a one size solution doesn't fit all. For that reason I suggest trying a bunch, and learning about yourself during the process. ADHD symptoms can also fluctuate over time, so it might be a good idea to try an ADHD tool again that you wrote off a while ago, because it might hit different on a different day or time of day. ​ Get Productive with the Pomo doro Tec hnique: The Pomodoro Technique is a way to do a bit of work, then take a break, and do a bit more work, and then a break. The idea is that the short breaks allow a person to have more energy to tackle the task. Without breaks, a person might put off the task because they are dreading it, or if they try to just power through their attention wanders or becomes exhausted. You can vary up the time on task and break, but it is common to spend 25 min on task, followed by a 5 min break. You would take a 15min break every 2hrs. You can use your phone, kitchen timer, or they have websites/apps that can time for you: ​ Something that can also be helpful are Youtube videos that have background music that have timers built in: ​ For the breaks it is a good idea to choose to do something you enjoy that is different than the task. If you are working at a computer, for example, do som e kind of physical activity for the break is better than surfing online. ​ Gamification Can Help People With ADHD Be More Productive Another ADHD tool is gamification . The idea is that tasks are boring, so we want to avoid them. Making them a game can give it that little extra interest to motivate. There are lots of different ways to do this. A low effort way is by calling them missions or quests instead of tasks. You can also think of yourself like a character. You might not want to do the dishes, but it might be easier to make the 4th level knight have to clean the inn keeper's dishes as a side quest. You could count to see if there are more forks or spoons as you go, with a condition that happens if there ends up being more forks. ​ There are ADHD gamification apps that help with plenty of examples of fun ways to make things more interesting. You can even create point systems and rewards for completing any kind of thing you want in your life. ​ AI Productivity Tool for ADHD This is a productivity tool. You can give it a task, and it can break it down into smaller tasks if you want: That can be helpful to have it not seem overwhelming by focusing on one small thing. It also has a thing that can help you word things to sound more formal, like if you need to comm unicate with a teacher. Other tools as well. ​ Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Body doubling is an ADHD tool that is kind of like having an accountability buddy. Just having someone in the room when you are studying can help someone focus. Often the body double isn't even interacting, just their presence can help some people with ADHD to focus. There are sites and communities for people to find partners to study/task with. ​ Increase the Stakes Often people with ADHD need the pressure of consequences to provide enough dopamine to engage in a task. Making it fun is a way to get more dopamine, but feeling the pressure of punishment or negative consequences can be motivating, where self-acceptance and being kind to the self might not, leading to guilt/shame for not completing the task. ​ Improve ADHD Symptoms With Exercise High intensity exercise has been shown to improve functioning. Listening to music/audiobooks while doing chores is good for some, distracting for others. Sometimes choice of music/audiobook makes a difference. Some find putting on running shoes makes them feel more motivated when doing chores. ​ Managing energy levels can be key. Knowing when a person has more energy, and when they might be depleted, and coordinating tasks to coincide. Relationships with Someone Who Has ADHD People with ADHD have many qualities that can make them good partners, and there are some aspects that can make things more challenging if not understood. For instance, hyperfocus on the subject of desire can look to some like love-bombing to a partner if they didn't understand. This cheat sheet has six common relationship problems people with ADHD might run into and what to do about them: ​​ Here are some videos/channels that are good:

  • ADHD ADD Information and Resources Ryan Plumb Therapy

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD ADHD Tips Tricks and Resources (skip to the good stuff!) What is ADHD? What it is can be a bit complicated. Some may know it as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), which is the name it used to go by. It was changed to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD because th ere are two 'flavors;' where one presents with hyperactivity and the other with inattention. People with the inattentive form frequently go undiagnosed people associate ADHD with high energy. It is even more complex, though, as many people are a mix of the two: inattentive and hyperactive. ​ So even though ADHD is an improvement, it still doesn't do a great job of describing the condition because it isn't so much a deficit of attention as it is a difficulty in controlling attention. For things that are stimulating, a person with ADHD might have an overabundance of focus and attention. ​ Adding to the complexity is that ADHD symptoms might show up in different ways. There are different aspects of executive functioning that might be impacted. Which ones, and how much they are a factor, vary from person to person. The symptoms also are affected by factors in the environment and a person's chemistry, and they can fluctuate in intensity all the time. ​ Some of the areas it can show up are: Focused awareness (situational challenges directing attention) Working Memory and Recall (challenges using memory efficiently) Impulsivity/Inhibition (situational challenges with self-restraint) Motivation (situational challenges cultivating energy to initiate action/tasks) Emotional Self-Regulation (challenges modifying or redirecting feelings) Planning and Time Management (challenges organizing and prioritizing multiple components) You may notice that these all have some overlap and some separation. If it is hard to hold things in memory, difficult to prioritize, and challenging to choose the object of focused attention, a person might move from one project, to another, to another. ​ ADHD Disorder or Superpower? Everyone is going to have a different opinion, and I don't think it is clear-cut. Peop le with ADHD have structural brain differences. Although everyone struggles with motivation or attention from time to time, the thing that sets this population apart is how much it impacts daily life. In that way, it fits the DSM definition of a disorder because it gets in the way of achieving life goals. On the other hand, the idea that a person is considered ordered or disordered based on achieving goals can be viewed as slightly limiting or even dehumanizing. ​ Another way to look at it is simply a difference between some brains and others. Neurotypicals presenting with one set of attributes, and people who are neurodivergent (ADHD/ASD) with another. For all the challenges associated with ADHD, there are ways that neurodivergent brains can be viewed in a positive light. Difficulty regulating attention can be the same thing under a different name: a person who follows their passion. A difficulty prioritizing and organizing can allow a person to see things in a new way and find novel connections. ​ Hyperfocus can lead to tremendous productivity. Distractability can help make a person resilient by not dwelling. Impulsivity can make a person spontaneous. Here is a list of traits that make people with ADHD shine: ​ Society is organized to work well for neurotypicals, but it could just as easily be set up in a way that would favor the neurodivergent. So do you see ADHD as a disorder, just a difference in brains, or a superpower? ​ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Tips Tricks and Resources a

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  • About Ryan Plumb Therapy

    Office Layout Waiting room with tea and water for clients. Comfortable office with various lighting options to suit your preference. Sand-tray therapy is available. Building has elevator and ramp access. Background Growing up in the Pacific Northwest I have always felt a deep connection with nature. I moved to the Bay Area in 1999 and fell in love with the rich diversity of landscapes, people, activities, and food. Why I Do It I have been curious about the world since I was very small. A deep desire to uncover hidden mysteries of life has guided me on this adventure. An integral part of that journey has been in the interactions with each of the people I meet along the way. I believe we go farther together, and I am most truly aligned with my values supporting others. This calling allows me to share my knowledge and experience to be of benefit to those whose personal path joins mine for a time. Credentials & Education Licenses: Board of Behavioral Sciences -Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist #138074 -Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor #13462 ​ Collegiate Degrees: I achieved my Master of Science in Counseling Psychology from Dominican University of California in 2022. My undergraduate Bachelor of Arts is from the University of California, Berkeley in 2004. ​ Board of Directors Position: Marin California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (MCAMFT) Director at Large for Pre-Licensed Members Notes: Good Faith Estimate You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical and mental health care will cost. ​ NOTICE TO CLIENTS: The Board of Behavioral Sciences receives and responds to complaints regarding services provided within the scope of practice of (marriage and family therapists, licensed educational psychologists, clinical social workers, or professional clinical counselors). You may contact the board online at , or by calling (916) 574-7830.

  • Resources and Support for Mental Health Issues

    Resources and Support For Mental-Health Page Under Construction Please check back! Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD formerly Attention Deficit Disorder ADD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD formerly Attention Deficit Disorder ADD

  • Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy with Ryan Plumb Therapy

    Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) Growing up in the Pacific Northwest I have always felt a deep connection with nature. I moved to the Bay Area in 1999 and fell in love with the rich diversity of landscapes, people, activities, and food. Why I Do It I have been curious about the world since I was very small. A deep desire to uncover hidden mysteries of life has guided me on this adventure. An integral part of that journey has been in the interactions with each of the people I meet along the way. I believe we go farther together, and I am most truly aligned with my values supporting others. This calling allows me to share my knowledge and experience to be of benefit to those whose personal path joins mine for a time. Credentials & Education Licenses: Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist Board of Behavioral Sciences #138074 Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor Board of Behavioral Sciences #13462 I achieved my Master of Science in Counseling Psychology from Dominican University of California in 2022. My undergraduate Bachelor of Arts is from the University of California, Berkeley in 2004.

  • Find Ryan Plumb on Sites

    Find Ryan Plumb on Social Media and Directories Psychology Today Profile Essensuate Psychology Group, APC Psychable Profile Profile Simple Practice Monarch Profile LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Marin California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists Marin County Psychological Association (MCPA) California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors Ryan Plumb's LinkTree

  • Privacy | Ryan Plumb Therapy

    Privacy Policy Protecting your private information is our priority. This Statement of Privacy applies to , and Ryan Plumb Therapy and governs data collection and usage. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise noted, all references to Ryan Plumb Therapy include . The Ryan Plumb Therapy website is a professional site. By using the Ryan Plumb Therapy website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement. Collection of your Personal Information We do not collect any personal information about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us. However, you may be required to provide certain personal information to us when you elect to use certain products or services. These may include: (a) registering for an account; (b) entering a sweepstakes or contest sponsored by us or one of our partners; (c) signing up for special offers from selected third parties; (d) sending us an email message; (e) submitting your credit card or other payment information when ordering and purchasing products and services. To wit, we will use your information for, but not limited to, communicating with you in relation to services and/or products you have requested from us. We also may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future. Sharing Information with Third Parties Ryan Plumb Therapy does not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties. Ryan Plumb Therapy may share data with trusted partners to help perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, provide customer support, or arrange for deliveries. All such third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide these services to Ryan Plumb Therapy, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information. Ryan Plumb Therapy may disclose your personal information, without notice, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Ryan Plumb Therapy or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Ryan Plumb Therapy; and/or (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Ryan Plumb Therapy, or the public. Tracking User Behavior Ryan Plumb Therapy may keep track of the websites and pages our users visit within Ryan Plumb Therapy, in order to determine what Ryan Plumb Therapy services are the most popular. 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We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your account, by placing a prominent notice on our website, and/or by updating any privacy information. Your continued use of the website and/or Services available after such modifications will constitute your: (a) acknowledgment of the modified Privacy Policy; and (b) agreement to abide and be bound by that Policy. Contact Information Ryan Plumb Therapy welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Statement of Privacy. If you believe that Ryan Plumb Therapy has not adhered to this Statement, please contact Ryan Plumb Therapy at: Effective as of December 03, 2023

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